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About MedKitDoc

We strive for a world where all people have access to patient-centred, high-quality and digital healthcare regardless of their location.

Our Achievements

Development of the first MedKit due to health problems in the own family

Foundation: BDS Digital Health Solutions GmbH 

First investment by Picus Capital

Winner of the EIT Health Award – Award for innovative Start-Ups in Europe

First MedKit in commercial use and realization of the first consultations

Business Angel Round – Experienced founders and healthcare experts came on board as investors

Certification as a medical device (CE)

For the time being, we focus our offer on segments where we can directly support patients with the most significant medical needs. Therefore, you can find our offer primarily in nursing and doctors’ offices.

Our History

The Need

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you need medical help but can’t get it?

If you had been there at the time when we were told that the doctor didn’t have time to make a home visit to our chronically ill grandmother, you would have felt our worry and panic at that moment. Ben, the doctor from the both of us, lived hundreds of miles away and would have loved to help immediately over the phone. But the reality was that to help him, he would have had to listen to her heart and lung sounds. But there was no way for him to do this over the phone.

The Consequence

We had to carry our chronically ill grandmother down the frozen stairs in the middle of winter and wait for hours in the emergency room. When the doctor finally came, he attended to us for two minutes, during which he used the stethoscope to check whether hospitalization was necessary. In Germany, you often have to wait many days or even weeks for a doctor’s appointment, not to mention persuading the doctor to make house visits!

Our Solution

What if there was a way to ensure that everyone had access to medical care at any time and from any place?  Ben kept repeating, “If only I could use my stethoscope … if only I could measure their oxygen saturation …” At some point, we realized that with the combination of a doctor, video calls AND medical equipment, we could almost double the number of consultations we could provide remotely. If we had realized this earlier, our family would have been spared a lot of suffering. That’s why we are now on a mission to help everyone get quality remote medical care for themselves and their families. 

The Founder

Dr. Benjamin Gutermann

CMO & Founder

Ben not only provided the medical practice infrastructure and medical knowledge but also tested hundreds of so-called “connected medical devices” for the purpose. He assembled the first dozens of cases of medical devices (later called “MedKit”) by hand in the basement of the practice. And with the help of his feedback, the development of a usable live transmission of stethoscope sounds was possible in the first place.

He is a specialist in general and emergency medicine, a senior emergency physician, and still passionately runs a very progressive practice today. As Chief Medical Officer (CMO), he takes care of the medical area.

Dorian Koch

CEO & Founder

Dorian has a background in business informatics and combines business and technical understanding. With his many years of experience as an IT project manager in connected devices, he developed the first MedKitDoc app on the side, with live transmission of stethoscope sounds. In addition, his experience as a McKinsey consultant enabled him to optimize device combinations and negotiate with suppliers to form a company from the family idea.

He founded BDS Digital Health Solutions GmbH with Ben and Siegfried in early 2020 from pooled financial resources. BDS, by the way, stands for Ben, Dorian and Siegfried – the three family members when the company was founded. Today, as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dorian is mainly responsible for the overall management of the company and, in his “spare time”, tries to support primarily with the product and tech topics

Patrick Bieg

CRO & Co-Founder

Patrick joined MedKitDoc in June 2020. He brought the knowledge necessary for business startups, financial planning, and certifications. Before joining MedKitDoc, Patrick worked as a controller in corporations and as a company founder, focusing on risk management for critical infrastructure issues.

Today, as Chief Regulatory Officer (CRO), he is responsible for the regulatory compliance of all requirements, e.g., for the software as a medical device.

Ben hat nicht nur die Infrastruktur der Arztpraxis und das medizinische Wissen gestellt, sondern auch hunderte sogenannte „connected medical devices für den Einsatzzweck getestet. Er hat die ersten dutzenden von Koffern mit Medizingeräten (später „MedKit“ genannt) in Handarbeit im Keller der Praxis geschnitzt. Und mithilfe seines Feedbacks war die Entwicklung einer brauchbaren Live-Übertragung von StethoskopGeräuschen überhaupt erst möglich.  
Er ist Facharzt für Allgemein- und Notfallmedizin, leitender Notarzt und betreibt bis heute leidenschaftlich eine sehr fortschrittliche Praxis. Als Chief Medical Officer (CMO) kümmert er sich um den medizinischen Bereich.

Dorian ist vom Hintergrund Wirtschaftsinformatiker und kombiniert wirtschaftliches mit technischem Verständnis. Mit seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als IT-Projektleiter im Bereich von Connected Devices entwickelte er nebenberuflich die erste MedKitDoc-App, mit Liveübertragung der Stethoskop GeräuschenZudem ermöglichte ihm seine Erfahrung als McKinsey-Berater die Optimierung der Gerätekombinationen und Verhandlung mit den Lieferanten, um aus der Familienidee dann tatsächlich eine Firma zu formen. Er gründete mit Ben und Siegfried Anfang 2020 die BDS Digital Health Solutions GmbH aus gemeinsamen finanziellen Mitteln. BDS steht übrigens für Ben, Dorian und Siegfried – die drei Familienmitglieder bei der Gründung. Dorian ist heute als Chief Executive Officer (CEO) hauptsächlich für die übergreifende Unternehmensführung verantwortlich und versucht in seiner „Freizeit“ vor allem bei den Produkt- und Tech-Themen zu unterstützen.

Patrick stieß im Juni 2020 bei MedKitDoc dazu. Er brachte das notwendige Wissen für Unternehmensgründungen, Finanzplanungen und Zertifizierungen ein. Vor seiner Zeit bei MedKitDoc hat Patrick bereits als Controller in Konzernen und als Unternehmensgründer gearbeitet. u.a. mit Fokus auf Risk Management bei kritischen Infrastrukturthemen. Heute ist er als Chief Regulatory Officer (CRO) verantwortlich für die regulatorisch konforme Erfüllung aller Vorgaben, z.B. zur Software als Medizinprodukt.   

Nach dem Einstieg des ersten professionellen Investors, Picus Capital, im Oktober 2020 konnten wir das Wachstum erstmals stark beschleunigen. Im Februar 2021 haben wir dann mit Nicolai die perfekte Besetzung für den Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) gefunden. Er ist verantwortlich für alle Themen der Bereiche Sales & Marketing sowie Business Development. Vor MedKitDoc hat Nico reichlich Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Go-to-Market und Strategieentwicklung als Projektleiter bei McKinsey, sowie bei seiner eigenen Unternehmensgründung (Social Impact Accelerator) gesammelt.

The Team

Jan Koolen, CEO MedKitDoc

Jan Koolen

Head of Business Development

Valentin Bachmann

Senior Business Development Manager

Fabian Frieß

Product Designer

Christof Weigerstorfer

Business Development Manager

Johann Wegner

Quality Manager

Gabriela Stephan

Executive Assistant

Dr. Friederike Posnien

Medical Analyst

Manuel Paul

Senior Medical Analyst

Hari Parasuraman

Lead QA Engineer

Jan Puzicha

Advisor and Product Owner

Alexander Kruglayak

iOS Developer

Thomas Scharmach

Tech Lead

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